Sunday, 24 June 2007

Hi everyone! This is good old me blogging for Ms Loh Seet Ee, Miranda!

Seet, Happy Birthday!!

You've been one of the most fun people to be with in my life! We did so many things together... Your house is like a public place for everyone, and I have been your place's regular customer since Sec 2!! From eating most of the pizzas in Sec 2 during your birthday celebration, to singing karaoke in front of your big family during CNYs, or our count-down to new year 2 years ago, to watching the results of the general elections.

It all started from knowing each other through TAF club in Secondary 1 (apparently PHS' TAF club has been ineffectual in slimming people down).
And then rumoured to be the top 2 noisiest people in Sec 2 Grace, our form teacher assigned us to sit at weird places - me to beside the front door, and you beside the back one, so that we had the least assessibility to the rest of the people. But seemingly again, it failed, for we always screamed at each other with the funniest jokes. It was at sec 2 where we became the best of friends...

And where you got your title, unclaimed by nobody else, Airpork!

Yes, that's what Seet should be made of.

Though we went different paths in upper sec, it never tore our friendship apart. We still studied together, had fun together, posted sarcastic remarks at the weird people out there, and blah blah!!! Then we went to YJ! Still remember you went SA with that pig, and eventually both pigs went to YJ.. haha! & we ran for student's council together, and almost everyday we shared the best gossips about our commonly hated people with our council cliques - jason chew, small joel, and blah blah!!

And we studied together at Mcd's and I will never forget how you made me wait for you overnight at Admiralty Mcd's!!! Grr!

And then we graduated from college. You went into NUS, and me to army. Yet, our friendship still remained strong and undeterred. We had gone through ups and downs together and I sincerely hope our friendship will remain solid in the years, I mean decades, to come. :D

With loads of love,
Qun Bao